3/23/2020 New No-Cost WebEOC Board released by Juvare to track COVID-19 cases at the jurisdictional levelRead Now Current WebEOC Subscribers can download a free COVID-19 Tracking Board at no cost. The Board allows tracking at the jurisdictional level. Visit the website for more details by clicking this link.
Source: juvare.com. HICS COVID-19 Templates for Hospital Incident Action Planning have been developed and made available by the California Hospital Association. Access the forms by clicking on the link below. The Unified Government Public Health Department (Wyandotte County) is using an Optotherm unit to screen incoming persons for a fever during the COVID 19 incident. The Optotherm units were provided with the Public Health Surge trailers purchased for the KC Metro Region. Optotherm units are intended for screening clients at Points of Dispensing for fever.
Source: Ron Starbuck, Emergency Preparedness Program Supervisor, Unified Government of Wyandotte County | Kansas City Kansas. Photo credit: Ron Starbuck. As everyone is aware, the COVID-19 situation is quickly evolving worldwide, and now in the United States. With such a rapidly changing situation it is becoming increasing difficult to keep up with the latest information and recommendations from trusted sources.
In an effort to help keep Kansas Hospital Association members informed, KHA has updated their website to provide the latest information on COVID-19 - https://www.kha-net.org/CriticalIssues/HospitalPreparedness/covid-19/. The web page contains many resources from the Centers of Disease Control, Kansas Department of Health and Environment, American Hospital Association and the University of Nebraska Medical Center. Additional resources will be added as they become available. Source: Ron Marshall, Director, Preparedness and Regulatory Affairs, Kansas Hospital Association. As everyone is aware, the COVID-19 situation is quickly evolving worldwide, and now in the United States. With such a rapidly changing situation it is becoming increasing difficult to keep up with the latest information and recommendations from trusted sources.
In an effort to help keep Kansas Hospital Association members informed, KHA has updated their website to provide the latest information on COVID-19 - https://www.kha-net.org/CriticalIssues/HospitalPreparedness/covid-19/. The web page contains many resources from the Centers of Disease Control, Kansas Department of Health and Environment, American Hospital Association and the University of Nebraska Medical Center. Additional resources will be added as they become available. Source: Ron Marshall, Director, Preparedness and Regulatory Affairs, Kansas Hospital Association. While there is a lot of discussion surrounding novel viruses, it is important to consider how medication is distributed to the public in a public health emergency. While there is currently no vaccine for COVID-19, the federal government does have medications and vaccines for other types of exposures.
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